The A1C test can be used to diagnose diabetes or help you know how your treatment plan is working by giving you a picture of your average blood glucose (blood sugar) over the past two to three months.
When Estimated average glucose(mg/dL) is entered:
When Estimated average glucose(mmol/L) is entered:
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4 Negative effects of Diabetes in …Did you know that diabetes was a source of significant distress for women? In fact, diabetic women are four times more likely to develop heart disease than diabetic men who are only two times more likely when compared with the general population.
5 Complications of Poorly Controll…If you ignore the signs of diabetes, or you fail to take your medications and allow diabetes to run uncontrolled, you will suffer major consequences. Diabetes is a systemic illness that has a negative effect on almost every organ in your body due to the persistently elevated blood sugar levels. In this article we look at 5 possible complications from poorly controlled diabetes.
5 early signs that you may be deve…Diabetes is a disorder of sugar metabolism and major challenge to your health and wellness. Glucose, referred to in this article as sugar, is your body’s basic unit of energy. When you eat, your food is digested into sugar, which is then absorbed into your blood. Insulin is a hormone that enables the sugar to move from the blood into your cells where it will be used to generate energy for your daily activities. People with diabetes are unable to utilize sugar due to a dysfunction with insulin. The sugar stays in the blood and is unable to get into your cells presenting a rather contradictory picture of having fuel to function and yet starving. Kinda like your child crying for a doughnut when he is already holding one.
Take the first step towards better health with our prediabetic test. It's quick, easy, and personalized.